40 Better Ways to Send ‘Love and Light’ After a Loss | Cake Blog (2024)

Table of Contents
What Does ‘Sending Love and Light’ Mean? Ways to Send ‘Love and Light’ After a Death 1. “I can’t know how you feel, but please know I am here to help.” 2. “Holding you and your family are in my heart.” 3. “My favorite memory of your loved one is…” 4. “I don’t know what to say, but I want you to know I care.” 5. “Tell me more about them.” 6. “I’m so sorry you have to go through this.” 7. “They knew you loved them.” 8. Send them flowers. 9. “I’ll never forget them.” 10. “Everything you’re feeling is okay.” 11. Listen. Ways to Send ‘Love and Light’ After a Tragic Event 12. “Sending you all of the strength today.” 13. “This is awful and heartbreaking.” 14. “You’re not alone.” 15. “My heart breaks with yours.” 16. “You’re doing great. I’m proud of you.” 17. Bring a meal. 18. “Can I help you with…?” 19. Set reminders to be there. 20. Send a care package. 21. “I care about you.” Famous ‘Love and Light’ Quotes to Share 22. “There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.” (George Sand) 23. “Love is energy of life.” (Robert Browning) 24. “Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.” (H. Jackson Brown, Jr.) 25. “Love is not only something you feel it’s something you do.” (David Williams) 26. “The sun is alone too but still shines.” 27. “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” (Confucius) 28. “The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or ever touched. They must be felt with the heart.” (Helen Keller) 29. “What will you do with your one wild and precious life?” (Mary Oliver) 30. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” (Aristotle) ‘Love and Light’ Captions to Share on Facebook or Instagram 31. “I can. I will. You will too.” 32. “Everything you need is already inside you.” 33. “Always give your best, no matter what happens.” 34. “Your mindset makes all the difference.” 35. “Start with love and light. The rest falls into place.” 36. “Today is the only day that matters. Yesterday is already gone.” 37. “There is so much beauty in being your own warmth and light.” 38.” Be happy and be bright.” 39.” Life isn’t perfect, but you can be your best you.” 40.” We’re like two stars in the sky: bright and limitless.” Use Your Words for Good FAQs References

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After a loss or tragedy, it isn’t easy to know how to proceed. If you’re consoling someone who has been through something painful or traumatic, it’s important to choose your words carefully. Words have the power to offer condolences, comfort, and hope when used thoughtfully.

One of the most common phrases after a loss is to say you’re sending ‘love and light.’ What exactly does this mean? Though there are many different ways to interpret the meaning behind both ‘love and light,’ this is generally a way to wish someone peace and healing. Though it might not come right away, you’re reminding them of your love as well as wishing them well in the future.

However, wishing someone ‘love and light’ might not always be the right thing to do. Depending on your relationship with them, as well as your specific intentions behind these get-well wishes, you might consider an alternative. In this guide, we’ll share 21 better ways to send ‘love and light’ after a loss or tragedy.

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • What Does ‘Sending Love and Light’ Mean?
  • Ways to Send ‘Love and Light’ After a Death
  • Ways to Send ‘Love and Light’ After a Tragic Event
  • Famous ‘Love and Light’ Quotes to Share
  • ‘Love and Light’ Captions to Share on Facebook or Instagram

What Does ‘Sending Love and Light’ Mean?

When you hear the phrase ‘sending love and light,’ what exactly does this mean? If you’ve never heard this saying before, it’s normal to be a bit confused. It’s not something most people use in everyday light, and it carries a lot of symbolism. An up-and-coming spiritual greeting, this phrase resembles a prayer without the same religious undertones.

In short, ‘sending love and light’ has a similar meaning to encouraging well wishes. Love is another way to say support, while light is another way to say warmth or kindness. With this in mind, you’re giving someone support and kindness. Typically wished in a time of need, you could use this as a greeting, sympathy message, or even a sendoff.

Some interpret the ‘light’ as a way to send the love of God and Heaven. For Christians, this is a source of additional comfort. Ultimately, you can apply it to many different religions depending on how you read into the specific diction. Ultimately, this is one of the sayings that’s easy to adjust depending on the meaning you want to send behind it.

Like all things, words have their own energy. What you wish into the world carries true intention, which can be particularly powerful if someone’s facing a crisis.

Ways to Send ‘Love and Light’ After a Death

40 Better Ways to Send ‘Love and Light’ After a Loss | Cake Blog (1)

After a loss, it’s not always easy to find the right words to say. You know you can’t fully take away someone’s pain, so you might struggle to say anything at all. Like with all things in life, actions speak louder than words. The actions and sayings below pack a meaningful punch while still sending love and light.

1. “I can’t know how you feel, but please know I am here to help.”

While your words might not get you very far, your actions will. Remind the grieving individual that you can’t understand how they feel, but you’ll always be there to help. Whether you bring a home-cooked meal or help plan the funeral, your actions make a difference.

2. “Holding you and your family are in my heart.”

Grief is an isolating emotion. When you lose someone, it’s normal to feel isolated and separated from your social circle. Break these walls by letting the individual know that you’re thinking of them during their time of need.

3. “My favorite memory of your loved one is…”

A tangible way to send ‘love and light’ is to remind someone of your favorite memory of the deceased. This shows that their loved one is still very much alive in your thoughts and memories, and it carries more weight than you know.

4. “I don’t know what to say, but I want you to know I care.”

If you can’t find the right words to say, it’s perfectly okay. Instead, admit this reality. Share that there are no words to fully express how you feel, but you’ll always be there for them. This is the true meaning behind sending ‘love and light.’

5. “Tell me more about them.”

When someone is experiencing grief, they often feel like nobody wants to talk with them about the deceased. They might not have anyone else to turn to, but talking about their lost loved one is a part of keeping their legacy alive. Encourage them to share with you in a moment of quiet remembrance.

6. “I’m so sorry you have to go through this.”

If you’re not sure what to say, compassion is always the right answer. This kind of phrase might be simple, but it’s meaningful. It shows that you’re sorry that this loss happened to them, and you’re empathizing with what they’re experiencing.

7. “They knew you loved them.”

Another important reminder is to make sure they know that the deceased knew how much they were loved. It’s easy to doubt this in a time of crisis, especially if the death was sudden. Give them this much-needed kindness and be there for them.

8. Send them flowers.

Actions are always more potent than words, so send a beautiful symbol of light and love. A bouquet of flowers to their home or the funeral is an important reminder of life, sympathy, and beauty. This can be accompanied by a heartfelt note or just left on its own.

9. “I’ll never forget them.”

One of the biggest worries after losing a loved one is that others will forget them. In reality, those we lose are carried with us for the rest of our days. Remind the recipient that you’ll never forget their loved one.

10. “Everything you’re feeling is okay.”

When you lose someone, there can be conflicting feelings. Whether the grieving person feels sorrow, pain, guilt, anger, or even relief, this is normal and okay. Give them permission to express their feelings.

11. Listen.

Last but not least, just be there for them. Listen to what they have to say, and let them take the lead. This moment is about them, not you.

Ways to Send ‘Love and Light’ After a Tragic Event

40 Better Ways to Send ‘Love and Light’ After a Loss | Cake Blog (2)

Whether you’re interacting with someone in person or writing a condolence email, tragic events are always challenging. It’s normal to want to take action or say something after someone you know goes through a tragedy. Here are ways to send love and light no matter the situation.

12. “Sending you all of the strength today.”

A more straightforward, actionable way to say you’re sending love and light is to let someone know you’re sending them strength. This acknowledges that they’re going through something difficult and that you know they are strong enough to get through it. Everyone needs to feel heard and understood.

13. “This is awful and heartbreaking.”

Though it might be scary, it’s often better to just call it like it is. If a situation stinks or is awful or sucks, say it. There’s no reason to beat around the bush or act like it’s better than it is. Part of supporting someone through grief means helping them understand these situations. Leaving someone feeling validated in their painful feelings can bring a sense of relief and comfort.

14. “You’re not alone.”

Tragedies are often so hard because they make you feel alone. Be that solid foundation in someone’s life—let them know they’re not alone. You’re right there standing beside them, and you’re not going anywhere.

15. “My heart breaks with yours.”

Empathy is a powerful emotion to call upon in times of grief and tragedy. Sitting in the heartbreak with someone and helping them carry this burden helps more than you know. Above all, it’s a reminder that they’re not alone.

16. “You’re doing great. I’m proud of you.”

After a tragedy, every day is harder than the last. Just getting up and functioning on a normal level is hard. Let your loved one know that they’re doing great. You’re proud of them for even getting up in the morning. Admire their strength and show them that you see all they do.

17. Bring a meal.

When in doubt, bring someone a home-cooked meal. After a tragedy, it’s hard to do basic things like cook and clean. Cooking a fresh meal is a simple way to be there for someone, ensuring they have the strength they need during these difficult times.

18. “Can I help you with…?”

Another way to be there for someone after a tragedy is to ask if you can help them with something. While it’s tempting to ask what they need help with, recognize that they might not know how to express what they need.

Instead, offer specific help. For example, “Can I help you with grocery shopping this week?” or “Can I help you look after your kids today?” These gestures make all the difference. It’s all about anticipating their needs and showing up with your actions.

19. Set reminders to be there.

There’s often a large flurry of help and support after a tragedy. It’s in the weeks and months after that the help slowly fades away. This can be a very lonely time. It’s when your loved one needs you, and you can set reminders to check in and be there.

The months after a tragedy are often harder than the immediate days and weeks. This is when the new reality sets in, and your loved one has fewer support systems. Set reminders in your calendar to send a note, help out, and be there.

Tip: Your loved one might not respond to condolences or your outreach if they’re having a rough time. That’s okay. It’s a good idea to give them some space and then set a reminder for a few weeks later. Let them know there’s no need to respond, but you want them to know they’re here.

20. Send a care package.

Whether you’re near or far, a care package is a perfect way to sum up your feelings when trying to send someone love and light. You can purchase a premade care package online or create your own. Choose essentials or luxuries to help them through these next steps. You can include things like toiletries, grocery gift cards, or snacks.

21. “I care about you.”

Last but not least, everyone wants to know they’re loved and cared for. Remind your loved one that you care about them, and that you’ll stand with them through this difficult time. Sometimes the simplest phrases are also the best for these difficult times.

Famous ‘Love and Light’ Quotes to Share

If you’re not ready to create your own ‘love and light’ message, you’re in luck. There are a lot of famous ‘love and light’ quotes that encompass all the positive energy of this phrase for you. These are easy to use if you’re not sure what to say after a loss or in a challenging situation.

22. “There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.” (George Sand)

One of the most important faces of life anyone can ever know is to feel love and to love freely. The sooner this lesson is learned, the warmer one’s life becomes.

23. “Love is energy of life.” (Robert Browning)

Similarly, love is truly the energy of life. Without love, we have nothing. To send love and light means to send your warmth and kindness even in the darkest of times.

24. “Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.” (H. Jackson Brown, Jr.)

The heart is a powerful place. Even if some things are hard to sense on your own, your heart sees what you don’t. When you learn to trust your heart, everything else naturally falls into place.

25. “Love is not only something you feel it’s something you do.” (David Williams)

With that in mind, love isn’t something you only feel. While you can feel love and light, you must act intentionally. You can make the world a better place through your actions (and your words).

26. “The sun is alone too but still shines.”

Even when left alone, you can still shine bright. Love and light exists even in the dark if you know how to look for it. This message from an anonymous writer rings true in any situation.

27. “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” (Confucius)

Confucius said it best. Everything has its own beauty, even life’s biggest challenges. Still, it takes a certain person to look for the positive, no matter what. This takes practice, patience, and understanding.

28. “The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or ever touched. They must be felt with the heart.” (Helen Keller)

To feel with your heart and lead with kindness is one of the most powerful things anyone can do. If you’re trying to be there for someone in need, make sure you’re putting your heart first in all things.

29. “What will you do with your one wild and precious life?” (Mary Oliver)

As Mary Oliver said, you only have one life. How will you live it to the fullest? Living in service of those you love is one of the best ways to live with powerful intention.

30. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” (Aristotle)

Finally, this message is a reminder to know yourself, both the good and the bad. You can’t succeed until you make peace with who you are.

‘Love and Light’ Captions to Share on Facebook or Instagram

Finally, if you want to share a ‘love and light’ caption on Facebook, Instagram, or another social website, you’re in luck. These captions below pair perfectly with memorial images, quotes, and more. Share some positivity with the people in our circle. You never know who needs the extra support.

31. “I can. I will. You will too.”

For a dose of inspiration, share this meaningful caption. Sometimes you need a simple reminder that you’re capable of anything to which you set your mind. You never know who might want to hear this reminder as well.

32. “Everything you need is already inside you.”

It’s easy to look externally for validation in life. The real joy, however, won’t come from anywhere beyond. Instead, it’s right inside you from the start. It’s up to you how you leverage your own skills.

33. “Always give your best, no matter what happens.”

The world can be a challenging place. Things won’t always go your way. Nothing can ever let you down if you promise always to give your best in any situation. You’ve already won.

34. “Your mindset makes all the difference.”

Our mindset is how we choose to greet each day. Though it can be difficult to master your mindset, this is the path to intentional, positive living. Encourage your social media circle to consider their own mindset in all things.

35. “Start with love and light. The rest falls into place.”

Nothing else matters if you have a strong foundation of love and light. This is what’s truly important, not tangible possessions or mindless worries. When you focus on your own love and happiness, you find your own source of joy.

36. “Today is the only day that matters. Yesterday is already gone.”

While it’s easy to get distracted by the past, this has already passed you by. Instead, live in the moment. Today is the only day that matters. The future isn’t here yet, and yesterday has come and gone.

37. “There is so much beauty in being your own warmth and light.”

When you accept that beauty comes from within, you feel confidence in yourself and what you can accomplish. Nobody else is responsible for your happiness but you.

38.” Be happy and be bright.”

Though simple, sometimes the smallest captions are the most powerful online. Encourage everyone you know to be happy and to shine bright. Even when times are tough, you can still be a source of positivity.

39.” Life isn’t perfect, but you can be your best you.”

Indeed, life isn’t perfect. There’s no reason to feel disappointed if you’re striving for perfection. As long as you’re the best version of yourself, you have something to celebrate.

40.” We’re like two stars in the sky: bright and limitless.”

Lastly, compare your reader to a star with you in the sky. Like a star, you both shine bright and make a big impact. More importantly, everyone also sees your glow to guide their own path.

Use Your Words for Good

Your words have more power than you know. They can lift someone up when they need it the most, and they’re capable of much more than just ‘love and light.’ If you’re hoping to send someone kindness and compassion after a loss or tragedy, consider the phrases or actions above.

Lead with your heart when offering sympathy. Cliché phrases can sometimes fall flat, and they do little to help those in need. It’s all about using your words and actions to best support someone in need of comfort and healing.

40 Better Ways to Send ‘Love and Light’ After a Loss | Cake Blog (2024)


What does it mean to send love and light to someone? ›

When we feel sad, bad, or mad, we send “love and light” to people as a prayer and remedy. People usually say this to offer a way through the darkness of whatever situation a person is in. And it's a nice gesture and can help to clear away the clouds, so to speak. But not all moments are appropriate for this.

How do you send love to someone who is grieving? ›

I love you so much and I hope you know how loved you are and how many people are grieving the loss of the amazing life your [insert loved one] lived. I'll be checking in on you. The pain of losing a loved one is one we're never prepared for and I can't imagine what you're going through right now.

What is the meaning of love light and peace? ›

It is a simple yet powerful message that embodies the essence of what many people strive for in their lives. At its core, Peace, Love and light represents a desire for inner peace, love for oneself and others, and a connection to the divine or spiritual realm.

What is the connection between love and grief? ›

Grief is firmly grounded in our capacity to give and receive love. Even though all relationships end in one way or another, the great majority of us choose to love. And when the end comes, we grieve in direct proportion to the depth of the relationship with the person we love.

How do you spread love and light? ›

Whether it is your time, a kind note, words of encouragement, a thoughtful gift or even a simple loving hello or good morning. Showing up in this giving manner spreads light and positive energy for both parties. Choose to be an Ambassador for Change, and always Spread Love and Spread Light.

What is the spiritual quote about love and light? ›

“Love purifies all things.” “Like raindrops falling in a stream, we must allow ourselves to return seamlessly to love.” “The soul is a garden of abundance and light.” “We are all lightworkers.”

What is a beautiful grieving quote? ›

Only time and tears take away grief; that is what they are for.” “So it's true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.” “I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.” “The weird, weird thing about devastating loss is that life actually goes on.

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Your reactions to your grief are normal.” “You aren't going crazy. What you are feeling makes total sense.” “I'm just really sorry you had to go through this.” My friend kept her gaze into my eyes as I sobbed….

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Loving God, we know that the light of your spirit shines within our hearts. Offer us unending love that draws us ever closer to you. Hear our prayers that we offer through your name, Christ our Lord. Amen.

What verse is about light and love? ›

1 John 1:5, 4:16

5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

What does love and the light of my life mean? ›

idiom. : a person someone loves very much and who makes him or her happy.

Which emotion is triggered by grief? ›

Grief is a natural response to loss. It's the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. Often, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, and profound sadness.

What does the Bible say about grief and love? ›

Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 73:26 “My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.” Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.”

Is grief the final form of love? ›

Grief is the last act of love we give to our loved one. Where there is deep grief there is great love. Grief is a great rite of passage, it is a hero's journey of courage, of sacred battles, sorrow, love, joy and loss. Through the darkness of grief we can see the light of love which transcends death.

What is the term love and light? ›

The internet tells me “love and light” is a phrase used by Reiki energy healers; a blessing rooted in the hope that your life will be full of love and bright white energy (light) of balance and peace.

What does love and light to everyone mean? ›

Love and Light is a way of saying Love your Light as a Blessing only you have or at times I say love your light as I do,,,,,if I notice the person is down they should love their light which is their energy.

What does it mean to be a light to someone? ›

To be the light means in times of darkness you offer hope, encouragement, kindness and compassion. In times where others are struggling you offer a way to help them to regain their glow and to shine. To see the good and the beautiful - it is in this that truth is re-established.

What is the meaning of light of love? ›

Definitions of light-of-love. noun. a woman inconstant in love. synonyms: light-o'-love. type of: wanton.


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.